Info about Ajay bhatt

Ajay bhatt's ealry life

Ajay Bhatt is from Baroda (western India). He was born on the 9th of june in 1957. He started his education at Baroda College but he completed his studies in the United States, at the City University of New York. He began his career with Intel and has contributed to the company's growth.

The begining of Ajay bhatt's tech career

While working for Intel, Bhatta would creat his greatest invention. Which was the result of some technical problems. Moreover, both ideas have a lot in common. Moran woudl invented the USB flash drive, while the Universal Serial Bus or USB, as it's commonly referd as, was developed by Ajay Bhatt. The standard now known to almost everyone was developed thanks to Bhatt's wife. One day Bhatt's wife wanted to print school materials for her child which, Unfortunately, it turned out to be a big challenge due to, the limited ability to connect computers with peripherals. Individual manufacturers would used different types of connectors, which, inturn, forced the user to purchase dedicated peripherals. Bhatta then decided it was time to develop a common, convenient, and more universal system. He presented his idea to many companies, including Apple, but te only company that wold listen was.
Intel decided to develop the concept. Which ended up with the creation of the USB. By the time of the second half of the 1990s, this standard was used by both Apple and Microsoft. Naturally, the USB connectors have evolved a lot over the years, but the orginal idea never faded with time.

