Info about Elizabeth Feinler

Elizabeth Feinler's ealry life

Ms. Feinler was born in Wheeling, WV where she stayed for the majority of her younger years. In 1954, she became a West Liberty University in West Liberty, WV with a B.S. degree in chemistry.
after finshing her time im college, she worked under under Dr. Roy Whistler at Purdue University doing graduate work in biochemistry. Then in 1958, she joined Chemical Abstracts Service in Columbus, OH. She would work as an Assistant Editor for several sections of the Chemical Abstracts 5th Decennial Index.

The begining ofElizabeth Feinler tech career

in 1960 Ms. Feinler joined SRI International in Menlo Park, CA as an information scientist. With in 12 years, she would be so good she would rise in the ranks of the Information Research Department before becoming a member of Dr. Douglas Engelbart’s Augmentation Research Center.
This would lead her Defense Data Network (DDN), network information centers (NIC), and the Department of Defense (DoD).
Two years later, she would served as Principal Investigator for the NIC project. Her group would develop the first Internet “yellow-page” and “white-page” servers and go on to make the first query-based network host name and address (WHOIS) server.

To this day, Elizabeth Feinler is still alive!

